Municipal Government Support
Municipal Government Support
Municipalities deliver a wide range of services for which they are locally and immediately accountable. These services include water and wastewater management, social, transit, housing, economic development, and user fees. Municipal services need to be effective in addressing and meeting the needs of their communities today and in the future.
Whether funded by property taxes, utility rates, user fees, or other levels of government, municipalities are constantly under pressure to stay accountable, transparent, and compliant, while adapting to new economic structures.
The combination of demand for growth, increasing infrastructure needs, and limited funding have made it more difficult for municipalities to address growing demands. These demands can include everything from balanced budgets and aging infrastructure to technological disruption and demographic changes. In addition, developing ways of attracting and retaining labour, developing tourism, and renewable economies are also top of mind.

We understand the services municipalities provide, and the new expectations they face. This helps us anticipate and plan for the changing needs of your community by engaging Canada’s largest and most detailed socio-economic modelling platform to build a population, household, housing, infrastructure, and services forecast for your municipality.
We are Canada’s leading socio-economic modelling service at the local level. We supply extensive and cost-effective regional databases that provide the most comprehensive tools available for local government.
- Understand your local community and how places are changing through our community profile services.
- Turn demographic analysis into informed decisions by understanding the changing socio-demographic characteristics of a community.
- Be aware of the distribution of a range of characteristics and their trends, highlighting the need for services and identifying groups in need.
- Understand local differences by dividing your municipalities into custom geographies that reflect your communities.
- Apply a detailed understanding of the drivers of change at a small area level geography that reflects different population outcomes across the municipality.
- See what is driving population change and quantify demand for services
- Understand the level of service across a geography using catchment area analysis. Get a demographic profile of people within the catchment of a particular facility. Choose the right site and build a business case for new developments.
- Develop, implement, and monitor the right strategy for your economy. Support local industries and attract investment in your region by understanding the drivers of your local economy
- See how different industry sectors contribute to the economy
- Develop effective economic strategies
- Promote the economy and attract investments to create jobs
- Quantify the effect of adding/losing jobs from the economy
- Quantify the impact of running events
- Support funding submissions with powerful evidence
- Share economic information with local businesses
- Develop local industries and attract new industries
- Educate council staff and councillors about their local economy
- Build confidence in decision making
We are Canada’s foremost independent housing analytics firm. We are trusted by CMHC, cities, and towns for their housing analysis needs and planning databases.
Our housing needs analysis present an overview of a municipality’s demographic and housing situation, including trends, current state, and forecasts up to the desired planning horizon. Our housing analysis includes:
- Maps which show population and housing statistics at the dissemination area resolution
- Graphs and figures to represent trends and comparisons across different sub-populations
- Population growth trends (e.g., demographic aging, household composition, income levels, and occupations)
- Housing stock analysis, including stock by tenure, housing types, and trends in prices and rents
- Housing needs indicators, including core housing need, affordability, suitability, and adequacy
- Sub-population analysis (e.g., populations most vulnerable to core housing need and affordability challenges, older adults, and other sub-groups as requested)
Our professionals harness their extensive experience to offer valuable insight and essential services to meet these needs. From a municipal government consulting perspective, we help clients with various services ranging from operational analyses, long-term planning, and economic development to technology solutions and procurement.
More than 400
Leading companies and government institutions
Hyper-detailed information accompanies our insights, predictions, and forecasts. Hyper-detailed trend and causation analysis is determined by data with little reliance upon assumptions.
The sheer richness of our data and simulation capabilities, both in terms of who, what, when, where, and the relationships between them, drive an ability to answer many more questions.
As a strictly data-driven firm, we are necessarily apolitical. The consistency of our hyper-detailed local data can be summed and independently verified against official projections by government statistical agencies, central banks, and the OECD.
Our dedication to a one-model systems approach with hyper-trend and causal analysis keeps assumptions to a minimum. Any assumptions are shared openly so you and others can use our results with confidence.